The Finnish Poultry Association

The Finnish Poultry Association

Operating since 1918 for the best of the Finnish poultry industry

Siipikarjaliitto is a neutral central organization of the poultry industry, which acts as a link between the sector's organizations and producers, as well as the authorities. The Poultry Association serves the membership as an enabler of operations in the poultry industry and as an increase in understanding of the industry among various stakeholders. The aim of the operation is to improve the economic competitiveness of the poultry industry, maintain good animal health and develop product quality. We are an advising organization.


The main tasks of the Poultry Association

  • advice to producers and operators on poultry matters
  • expertise in the direction of authorities, decision-makers and the media
  • monitoring the profitability of poultry farming
  • mapping of production conditions
  • development of production methods
  • cooperation with research institutes and industry communities
  • following the international development of the field
  • monitoring of legislation
  • issuing statements to authorities and companies in the field
  • farm-specific counseling visits
  • organizing training/education days
  • lectures on the poultry industry
  • preparation of guidelines and bulletins
  • Editing and publishing of Suomen Siipikarja magazine
  • various services for producers, companies and communities in the sector, such as support in animal disease situations and calculations of the value of animals and loss of profit in cases of damage

Organization of the Poultry Association

Members of the Poultry Association are people working in the field or interested in the field, communities, as well as regional and national associations. The members of the Finnish Broiler Association are also members of the Poultry Association.

The board

At the annual meeting of the Finnish Poultry Association on 4 April 2024, the board of directors elected for the association.
Kalle Mahlamäki from Huittinen (Finland) was elected as the chairman of the board of the Poultry Association. The board's term of office is from the 2024 annual meeting to the 2025 annual meeting.